Digital only

All the benefits of digital study materials
Do you prefer to keep your study materials constantly up-to-date and available anywhere and everywhere? If you want to get the most out of digital learning, such as online exercises, opt for a digital-only learning solution. By helping you develop your ideas, we offer support throughout and help create your digital content.

Always up-to-date, available anywhere and everywhere
A digital-only learning solution means your content is always up-to-date and relevant for your students. And that is important, since study materials which are topical and identifiable ensure that your students understand the way in which they should process the learning content immediately. What’s more, your students will have the opportunity to access their study materials anywhere and anytime they wish.

Complete guidance in active study materials
Acco Learn’s learning consultants help you to flesh out the concept and the content of your digital-only learning solution. We apply the principles of active learning and integrate active teaching methods in your digital study materials.

Integrated in your LMS
Your digital-only learning solution works on Sofia, the Acco Learn learning platform. Sofia is the link between your digital study materials and your institution’s Learning Management System (LMS), for example, Toledo, Blackboard of Canvas. Sofia is fully compatible with your LMS, so you can give your students access to high-quality digital study materials without them having to change platforms.
Customised study materials
What do you need in terms of didactics, content and technology? Acco Learn helps you make the right choices in each of these areas so that your study materials are dovetailed to your study programme. Through our collaboration with teachers, we have developed a number of models for study materials which meet the specific needs of higher education.
Ask one of our learning consultants
Feel free to contact one of our Acco Learn learning consultants for higher education or our Acco Learn account manager for higher education.