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For business

Erwin Lenaers • 4 August 2023
Case study: VDAB

VDAB called on Acco Learn for Business to develop the content of the e-learning Information Point for training providers.

Erwin Lenaers • 4 October 2021
Blended learning: the benefits of online and offline learning
Erwin Lenaers • 23 September 2021
9 tips for succeeding with blended learning
Niels Strybos • 22 September 2021
Case study – Professional online training for Fluidda

Acco Learn for Business developed, in close consultation with Fluidda, a blended learning experience, consisting of a digital learning path in combination with a face-to–face meeting between trainer and learner.  

Erwin Lenaers • 7 June 2021
From physical training to e-learning: what changes will trainers see?