Selfservice printing in Leuven, Ghent, Antwerp and Heverlee
Do you want to use our selfprinting service in our Acco Shops? In Leuven, Ghent, Antwerp and Heverlee you can print cheaply at one of the self-service printers.

Print your documents at a printer in one of our bookshops
In 1960, Acco was founded as a cooperative organization by students, with the aim of printing courses themselves and selling them at democratic prices. Our mission – affordable education for everyone – has remained unchanged over the years.
That is why our Acco Shops are also real copy shops. You can cheaply print your course materials, handouts of presentations, notes or summaries on one of the self-service printers.
Buy a printing ticket at the register and pay only 0.04 euros per printed page. Color printing is also possible in Leuven, Ghent and Antwerp. For a color print you pay 0.20 euros per printed page. You simply submit your print order via USB or via the computer in the bookstore.